Home > Artworks > Guillermo Cristian van Waalwijk van Doorn

Photo of Guillermo  Cristian van Waalwijk van Doorn Argentina

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Picasso said: "I do not, match." Perhaps William van Waalwijk van Doorn found in painting since his youth, a language to express their feelings.

Born in Salta, August 29, 1946, lost her Dutch-born father was very small. In Comodoro Rivadavia, where vivivió few years of his childhood, discovering the pictorial creativity rooted in Dutch family members, including Lucas van Leyden. Their contact with the sea in those years surely marked another of his passions, sailing, making it to the...

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Picasso said: "I do not, match." Perhaps William van Waalwijk van Doorn found in painting since his youth, a language to express their feelings.

Born in Salta, August 29, 1946, lost her Dutch-born father was very small. In Comodoro Rivadavia, where vivivió few years of his childhood, discovering the pictorial creativity rooted in Dutch family members, including Lucas van Leyden. Their contact with the sea in those years surely marked another of his passions, sailing, making it to the present .-

Back in Salta, was interested in the language of nature and the energy that derives from it and contact time between the alternating between urban and Andean mountains of his hometown, Salta and indescribable scenery, and travels by mule. Hence the bold colors in his paintings. I felt from that moment, a special feeling for the local Aboriginal culture, (Inca diaguitas), and until now has always devoted part of his time, when visiting his hometown, helping them to improve their quality of life without lose their original culture, always trying to prevent migration to large cities.

Holland has visited on several occasions and explored its essence. Studying and making direct contact with members of his paternal family.

Self-taught, began painting in 1988, trying to express his feelings through his art, his experiences, considering their art as something vital and therefore unpredictable.

In 1992 he studied at the workshop of Mariano Cornejo, then to Helen Distefano, Heriberto Zorrilla Louis Wells in the workshops of the National Art Museum of Buenos Aires. Since then working hard to develop his work. His style .-

In amazing places, led by his extensive travels and deep experience, was looking for and finding the color. Today, his work shows a marked inclination and decision on the importance of color in his work, feeling just now is the door to realistic color and movement in his painting. This shows strong emotion and a technique that can be seen a very personal way to create and capture on canvas their feelings, experiences and life experiences. Today, in the art ABSTRACT .-

For some time, is part of a group of artists of different nationalities converge once a year to make art together with children from Aboriginal communities and marginalized by our society, painting and creating, through and from which children draw themselves. Then, these works are sold abroad (Netherlands, Spain) and the money raised will build schools, or provide materials or what the community needs so that your children can access more dignified conditions. "Painting the Future", a charity founded by the Dutch artist Hetty van der Linden is the motto of this group of artists of excellence from different countries are invited to the art may also serve to improve the quality of life of disadvantaged communities, with the proceeds from the sale of their works.

William C. van Waalwijk van Doorn, a part of this group. In 2005 had a successful experience in the province of Jujuy in northern Argentina, with the proceeds of which will be built soon a school for deaf children in the province. And it is a project of this group, and also individually by the artist, extending it to other regions of Argentina, even to other countries.

Today, she lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, working in his atelier in the Delta del Tigre (provincia. of Buenos Aires), where it coexists with pure nature still exists in these places unique. Guillermo (vWvD), today, is avocado ABSTRATO achieve the conjugation of nature with its purest experiences .-

In his hometown, Salta, Arg, North, the artist is working concretely with the people, (now sadly few), the Pre-Andean and Andean regions, in places that come only after long horse crossings and full days of cold, snow, blizzard, and the arid and salt lakes of the highlands Salteña.Es there where people are full of wisdom, ancient, Inca, and authentic spirit, with few children in schools where they need everything, or that is where William vWvD, deepened by means of art, painting hacieldo children and parents, using a plasma brush your feelings, your dreams, then since the city those works are exhibited in museums, art galleries and auction. With the support of other artists of the country and abroad, who share the same feeling of William, with the proceeds from sales of works, in which the artists also participated by completing the paintings of children, following the same subject, these funds will cover the specific needs of schools as the family and neglected children in these regions, (some better than is the case, of politics).

With this action the artist (utopia. ¿..??), tries to prevent emigration to the cities of these people full of tradiones and ancestral wisdom of generations that are lost, so that culture and that being that low, full of ambition to believe that the city lights do not give them what they have up there, instead, free of contamination. The idea is to keep them in place, with work and art of the earth, carrying with them the culture adapted to their culture. Utopia??

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